Truth Telling Is A Prerequiste
Intimacy in marriage is an incredible gift. Intimacy is the extreme closeness shared between a husband and wife. Intimacy is being completely known by your
Encouragements For Wives
Intimacy in marriage is an incredible gift. Intimacy is the extreme closeness shared between a husband and wife. Intimacy is being completely known by your
My husband left his Bible out and open to the book of James on the desk in our office. I pulled it closer to me
This is a guest article by Kathryn O’Brien. Her encouragement is timely for all wives. Kathryn writes: Nowadays, checking the headlines is a risky endeavor. The
This last year has provided a great deal of anxiety for many people with the U.S. Presidential Election rapidly approaching. I have experienced my own
Casting the blame toward someone else almost comes naturally to me. I don’t even have to really think about it. Reasons, excuses, justifications, whatever you
Our church community gathers for an annual apple pressing and this year I missed it! I was bummed to have missed out, but my kids