
Marriage After God Podcast - Christian Marriage Podcast

The Gospel Is For Christians Too

The Gospel. The good news of Salvation to the world. It is the testimony of what Jesus came to do and did, to redeem sinners. It is good news because it tells us where we could only fail, Jesus could only succeed. The Gospel draws us close to God and provides reconciliation.

But…is the power of the gospel meant only to help us believe and receive salvation? Or is the Gospel something that we as believers should cling to every day of our lives?

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Marriage After God Podcast - Christian Marriage Podcast

Give More Love Than You Take In Your Marriage

Is the word love and how we use it….diluted?

The definition of the word love as we use it today does generally cover a variety of connotations; from intense feelings of deep affection, to great interest or pleasure. The problem with this definition of love is when those chemicals subside, and those feelings in the body or the flesh become harder to come by, what are we left with?

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