Marriage Prayer: A Heart Of Gratitude
Dear Father, you have given us a kingdom that cannot be shaken by the sacrifice of Your Son. Because of this incredible gift, we pray
Dear Father, you have given us a kingdom that cannot be shaken by the sacrifice of Your Son. Because of this incredible gift, we pray
Dear Father, we love you and thank you for loving us with such eternal love. Thank You for sending Your Son to be the propitiation
Dear Father, we all have physical needs but we also have emotional needs. When our spouse is overwhelmed with work help us to comfort them.
Dear Father, protect our hearts from jealousy. protect our minds and hearts from being envious of the time our spouse may have or their position.
Dear Father, help us love each other and our marriage with deep and lasting hope. When times seem unsure help us to hope. When our
Dear Father, we know that your patience and kindness are meant to bring us to repentance. We know that it is because you love us