Dear Lord,
I pray for my husband today. May you fill his heart with joy as you remind him of your love for him. Reveal to him his value and purpose. I pray that you would build up and transform him into the man you desire him to be. I pray against temptation that tries to lure his heart into sin. I claim freedom from bondage and freedom from darkness in Jesus name! Protect us against the enemy, send angels to defend us, send others to encourage us when we grow weary! I pray that he matures in his role as a husband. Equip him to lead us through your ways. Give him courage and sound wisdom. Help us both to understand how to love each other better. I pray that our marriages gets stronger with each passing day. May every area of our marriage reflect you God… how we give, how we love, what we do, what we say… everything! May you be glorified through us in Jesus name AMEN!