Prayer Of The Day – Maturing In God

Dear God,

Thank you so much for my life. Thank you for all that you have given to me and thank you for revealing yourself to me. As I walk with you and seek after you I experience growth. I pray that as I mature in you, as I get to know you, may your character be reflected through my character. I desire to love like you, have compassion life you, be generous like you, be truthful like you, and to have courage like you. I pray that your Holy Spirit would transform me! May I be a wife after your own heart! I pray that as I seek you daily, my relationship with my husband automatically grows. Draw us closer together and show us how to have a truly intimate relationship. Help us to communicate better and to love each other as you created us to. I pray that your will is done in my life and in my marriage in Jesus name AMEN!

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