Prayer Of The Day – Making Decisions With Your Husband

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for giving me a man to share my life with.  My husband is my best friend and I love him so much.  I am also really grateful that he is walking beside me through this life helping me make decisions.  Together we get to make decisions that will impact our lives in great ways, as well as our child’s life.  I pray that no matter what we do or decide we do not do anything before submitting it to you.  We desire to follow your will!  May you be blessed as we submit to your will for our lives and wait upon you before making decisions.  I pray for other wives out there who have a difficult time surrendering to you or agreeing with their husbands.  May you soften their hearts and teach them how they can trust.  I pray that these wives would also desire your will in their lives and may their husbands lead by following after you in Jesus name AMEN!

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