Prayer Of The Day – Exterminating Jealousy

Dear Lord,

Please help me. I get jealous of my own husband. I get jealous of the time that he has, the things he gets to do or doesn’t do, I get jealous of the opportunities he receives, and it hurts. The jealousy fuels bitterness in my heart and then it comes out in the way I respond to my husband. I know jealousy is not from you. I believe you would not want me to be jealous, but rather be thankful for what I have or don’t have, get or don’t get…whether its time or an opportunity. I need to appreciate what you have given specifically to me, embracing it and responding to it all with joy. Help me to take my eyes off of my husband and help me to focus them on you Lord. I pray that you would take this jealousy out of my heart and heal me in Jesus name AMEN!

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