One Significant Way To Build Trust In Marriage


I was touring the city of Cincinnati, Ohio when the tour guide mentioned the Roebling suspension bridge above us. Built over the course of 10 years it was completed in 1866 and held the title of longest suspension bridge in the world.

While gazing upon its beauty the tour guided proceeded with an interesting story that I believe can be applied to marriage. She mentioned that because the design of this bridge was such new technology people were terrified to trust whether it would actually hold them without breaking.

So on opening day complimentary hot dogs and beer were served on the middle of the bridge to any brave pedestrians. Over 160,000 people passed over that bridge within two days! They quickly grew trust in that great big suspension bridge and made it safely between Ohio and Kentucky.

All this to say, in marriage a husband and a wife are much like two different states sitting closely by each other, but a trusted bridge is necessary to allow intimacy to connect them.  What better way – one significant way – to build trust than with food and drink?! Go on a date with you husband, eat good food and let that be the platform for which you bridge the gap to get to know each other intimately!

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