My Husband And I Started Sugar Busters Together

Unveiled Wife And Husband Revolution are Starting Sugar BustersOver the past few days my husband and I have been adjusting to a monumental life change.  We recently learned the details of the Sugar Busters Diet, while also becoming more aware of how deadly sugar is for the human body. 

I am a sugar addict.  I search for sugar; I am consumed by it, trying desperately to consume it as often as I can, all subconsciously.  I lean on it for emotional comfort!  My mind is hooked on the drug, but I feel as though it’s not all my fault!  The food producers pump it into everything; encouraging the addiction from the time we are young… why?  I believe the food industry makes an exorbitant amount of money, a ship too large, going too fast to try and turn around. 

All I can do is be aware of my own behavior, conscience of what I consume, and decide to stay away from anything that is harmful.

The first shock that woke my husband and I up to the reality of toxic sugar was during a Sunday Sermon at our church.  Pastor Church Booher was braving the topic of being a healthy and fit congregation.  He mentioned that in the early 1900’s on average a person would consume 4 lbs of sugar per year, comparing it to today’s average person consuming over 150 lbs of sugar per year.  This increase is not only found in table sugar or even sweets, like cookies or cupcakes, but it is now in a ton of other food products.  Below is a photograph I snapped at church as Pastor Chuck demonstrated just how much sugar we consume on average per year. 

With the FIT Series going strong, Crossroads Church launched a ton of activities for people to join as motivation to get healthy within their community!  One of those activities was a seminar on the Sugar Busters Diet.  I went with my husband, my mom, and my sister, to listen to Taleah speak about her experience on the diet.  This is when I realized how much sugar and different forms of sugar where in so much of our foods.  I also got a better understanding of what sugar does to one’s body.  My husband and I walked away feeling motivated to start this diet, but not just to lose weight, more importantly to be healthy!

As we left the seminar, my mom encouraged us to watch a YouTube video of Dr. Lustig sharing his research about the bitter truth of sugar.  It was shocking to hear all that he mentioned, and I highly recommend that you watch it!  Here it is below:

Here are three simple steps I encountered with my eating habits:

Step 1 would be acknowledging the issue.  My husband and I fortunately came to acknowledge the issue of sugar at the same time. 

Step 2 would be finding a solution.  We feel comfortable with the Sugar Buster’s Diet leading us in a healthy lifestyle.  This has only been Day 3 on the diet and we both feel great!

Step 3 would be finding someone to keep you accountable.  I lucked out with having a husband who understands just as much as I do of the dangers of having a high sugar diet.  We are both willing to keep each other accountable for the sake of healthy lives, and being around long enough to enjoy grandkids!

I am so excited to be making this life adjustment alongside my husband.  I am so thankful that he is willing and determined to be healthy.  I believe that every husband and every wife should have a desire to be healthy for themselves and for their spouse! 

If you would like to know more about the Sugar Busters Diet there is a book that explains it in detail called Sugar Busters.

Also, in a few weeks I will be posting sugar-free foods and recipes for anyone interested in joining in on this change of eating habits!

Here is a link to Taleah’s overview of Sugar Busters!

Here are a few other articles that reveal the truth about sugar:

The Hidden Ingredient That Can Sabotage Your Diet

8 Shocking Facts About Sugar


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