CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE MARRIAGE ENCOURAGEMENT PODCAST In today’s world, intimacy in marriage can be a difficult topic to navigate, especially for Christian couples striving to honor God in every aspect of their relationship. In this week’s episode, Aaron had the opportunity to interview Alex and Kadi Dutton, founders of Everylove, a Christian-focused intimacy subscription box service. The Duttons are passionate about helping couples foster deeper emotional, physical, and spiritual connections through open communication and Christ-centered resources. During this interview, we focused on the importance of reigniting intimacy in Christian marriages. Sex can be an uncomfortable topic for many couples, often due to upbringing or the stigma society has around this topic. Often, Christians grow up hearing that sex is something to avoid, or that it is bad or wrong, yet once married, are expected to embrace it fully without much guidance. Alex and Kadi experienced this firsthand,