Letter To My Husband – My Beloved King

Dear Adrian Bowden

It never ceases to amaze me the beauty of your heart. The great loyalty you have for your family.
20 years we have seen together. You have always put Team Bowden first & there will never be enough “Thank You’s” to express the depth of gratefulness to God for not just allowing me to witness the loyalty & love of a true family man but to love, adore, cherish, and treasure this beautiful creation that is YOU. I love to close my eyes & imagine Our God’s Hands molding you for me. Placing His mouth over yours and breathe His Breath of life into you. Watching as your chest rises & your blood begin to flow within. We have been through many many trails but also we have grown, matured, and loved one another WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Forever am I grateful God takes the time to fashion His love stories on earth.

My heart is forever yours,
Your queen, wife, lover, friend, & fellow traveler of this life into eternity<3


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