Over the last few weeks I have noticed the inches on my waist expanding… and rightfully so as I approach my 6th month of pregnancy! I don’t mind the weight gain at all, in fact I can’t wait to feel my belly stretch beyond what I thought possible. Meanwhile, my husband has been consistently working out and toning up, and the results are noticeable!
I am getting bigger and I love being pregnant. The reality of another life growing inside me is a blessing and a miracle. I can’t wait to reach the moment where I can no longer see my toes past my belly! People keep saying by that time that I will just want my baby out and in my arms… which I am sure is true.
Although I have surrendered on many occasions to my sweet tooth, I try and eat a balanced diet to keep me and baby Eliott healthy. As a woman, it is difficult not to worry about weight or stretch marks, but I keep encouraging myself of the purpose for my new additions. I have also been very encouraged by my husbands kind words and compliments, especially when he tells me how beautiful I am!
I know I am a blessed wife to have such a great guy in my life! He has truly fulfilled all that I ever wanted in a husband!
I wanted to take a few minutes to express my gratitude and appreciation to him. Marriage can be easily overwhelming, often times sending us into different corners of the ring! Yet despite our differences, preferences, and personality, we always reconcile.
I believe it is important to have a thankful heart and be affirming as much as we are given the opportunity to do so.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for your loyalty, your respect, and your patience with me. I am so thankful to God for putting you in my life as my husband and my best friend. Thank you also for your encouraging words, especially as pregnancy changes me day by day. I am so proud of you! You have been so committed to working out and staying healthy and it shows! You are doing great and I want to encourage you to keep going! As much as you are getting fitter, I also am aware of your quality time with God becoming more consistent and I see you growing in your faith. This excites me because I know that you will continue to lead our family in God’s ways, being an awesome example to our son! I love you so much and I respect you even more!
Your Wife
This is a new addition to the Unveiled Wife Wednesday Posts! If you have a blog post related to marriage, intimacy, family, parenting, or finances, and you would like to link-up, just add your info below! Also, please grab my button and include it on your post so your readers can find us here!

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