Marriage provides opportunities for couples to experience immense joys in life, extreme hardships, and everything in between.
Early on in my marriage it was very disturbing for me to realize that marriage provides the good, the bad… and the ugly! I had fallen into believing that my marriage would be perfect, that my husband and I would never fight, that our love for each other would never be altered or changed.
Reality Check!
Every marriage goes through seasons of bliss, seasons of challenges, and everything in between!
I would like to encourage you today, especially those of you who are newlyweds, with these words:
Embrace the journey of marriage… the good, the bad… and the ugly!
All too often the confrontation of desire and reality distract husbands and wives from seeing the present season of marriage something that will bless them, grow them, teach them, or transform them. I know I did.
Instead of complaining about our marriage relationships, or contemplate fleeing altogether, let us, in courage, trust that God has a plan for us, and embrace marriage as a journey; one that is to be traveled with a spouse.
The enemy will try and redirect us, he will tempt us to lead our own way, and he will do everything he can to send us down paths of isolation and loneliness. We must resist those temptations… wrapping our arm tightly around our spouse’s arm and journey through marriage together, as one, as God intended.
Embrace the journey of marriage… all of it! Having faith that where you are headed is better than where you have come from, knowing in confidence that the current position of your marriage is momentary, and trusting in God as the compass by which you are lead.
Have you ever had a “reality check” in marriage?
Have you ever struggled with embracing all the different seasons in your marriage?
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