This past January I took part in the Unveiled Wife study. One of the lessons really stood out to me, and I loved seeing all of the conversation it stirred up among ladies doing the study. The subject was “submitting to your husband.”
I completely agree that so often, people equate “submitting” to being walked all over. This comes from a culture that celebrates and promotes being an “alpha female” and engraining into women’s minds that they can lead just as well as men. I am all for women being successful in their careers and workplaces, but I do think there is much to be celebrated about letting your husband lead your family in your home.
As Jen discusses in Wife After God, you and your husband should be submitting your hearts to Christ first, respectfully submitting to each other next, and lastly, submitting your will to your husband when it comes down to letting him lead your family and marriage.
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. – Ephesians 5:21
As someone with a very strong and independent personality, it isn’t always easy for me to submit to my husband’s decisions. However, when I support him, respect him, and follow his lead – even if I am worried it’s not the “right” choice or the decision I would have made on my own – I watch him flourish and grow as the leader of our family.
Your husband needs to see that you trust him to take care of you!
It can be scary to follow, but it will only encourage your husband to stand up as an even stronger leader in the future.
So often I hear wives complain that their husbands never “take charge.” I challenge you to look at your own behavior when it comes to making decisions.
Are you letting your husband lead?
Do you submit to him and his choices?
Or are you constantly undermining him, dismissing him or stubbornly going about things your own way?
I know I have been guilty of all of these things at some point in our marriage, but the joy I experience when I watch him lead our family in the way God intended, pushes me to lower my pride and support him in the choices he makes.
Do you struggle with to trust your husband in leading your family? If you are willing to share, let’s talk about it in the comments below.