Do you pray for your husband or do you pray about him?
Take a minute to reflect on the distinction of that question.
There have been many times when I have abused the privilege of praying for my husband. I use my time before the Lord to “tattle” on him. I tell the Almighty all about my husband’s sin life, job struggles, and (my perception) of his lack of leadership. I don’t miss an opportunity to pray about my own personal desires for him or my frustrations with him. Praying about my husband equates to me venting to the Lord the different ways my husband isn’t living up to the standard I have set for him, how our marriage is struggling, where my husband is wrong, and how hard it is to be me. I justify my gossip simply because my audience is the Lord (that has to be a step up from my neighbor, right?!).
As I consider how often I have prayed about my husband… I am filled with regret over the missed opportunities to pray for him.
I know that my husband is the leader and provider of our family, but I don’t take into consideration the enormous pressure that role entails or how my prayers truly benefit him. Sadly, I fail to bring him before the Lord with a pure agenda: one in which I simply pray for him! Oh, how my husband would be blessed if I better focused my prayers!
For example, I can pray for him to walk in step with the Spirit, find favor with God, have strength during trials, produce spiritual fruits, and daily mature in his walk with the Lord. Certainly he needs my prayers for protection from the Evil One and for God to anoint his career and his calling as a husband and father. There are so many areas where my husband needs me to pray for him, but I so often neglect to do so because I waste my time praying about him.
The role of a wife is a unique position that was created by the Lord Himself. One of His callings, for us as wives, is to fight for our husbands on our knees. To bring them before His throne praying His will over every part of their lives. Our husbands need our prayers as much as they need air to breath!
We must not take lightly the divine privilege it is to pray for our husbands! Will you join me in making a conscious effort to no longer settle with praying about your husband, but rather, to bless and strengthen him by praying for him!