Marriage Prayer: Husbands And Wives To Go Home
Dear Lord, Today we pray for all the husbands and wives who have walked away from their marriages and their families. Humble their hearts Lord.
Dear Lord, Today we pray for all the husbands and wives who have walked away from their marriages and their families. Humble their hearts Lord.
Dear Lord, Grab our hearts and transform them! Break any holds that the enemy has including addiction, alcoholism, workaholism and negative attitudes. Lord, reconcile us
Dear Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for all of your provisions. We pray that we would be reconnected and refreshed. May you align
Dear Lord, Thank You for teaching us how to walk humbly with You and with each other. Thank You for teaching us and showing us
Dear Lord, Thank You for always helping us in times of need. You know us so well, You know every detail of our lives and
Dear Lord, Thank You for creating us with purpose. Thank You for Your great design and the thoughtfulness You poured into making us unique individuals.