Revive Your Praise In Marriage


“Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” – Ephesians 5:33

I believe that this verse is very specific in directing husbands and wives to respond to each other’s greatest needs.  Although husbands and wives both need love and respect in marriage, I believe wives desire more to be loved and I believe husbands desire more to be respected.  These two needs are obvious in God’s great design of those He created in His image.

One of the best ways to show your husband respect is through praise.  Men respond positively to praise.  Praise is a warm approval shared through words of affirmation from a heart full of gratitude.  It is through a wife’s praise in an intimate setting, as well as given in the presence of others that a husband feels respected, appreciated, valued, cherished and loved.

Have you ever heard of The 5 Love Languages?

My husband’s number one love language is words of affirmation.  He feels the most loved by me when I use my words to praise him, encourage him, compliment him, and share emotional feelings of love I have for him.

Words are powerful and words matter.

In the same way that a marriage can be built up with words of praise, a marriage can be damaged by words of harsh criticism, blame, and condemnation.  Be aware of your words towards your husband and be intentional about spending time every day to praise him.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” – Ephesians 4:29

If you do have a critique of some sort that you feel needs to be communicated to your husband learn how to do it in a way that won’t destroy him…sometimes husbands are sensitive. Read How To Use The Manwich!

This weeks challenge is to revive your praise in marriage and build up your relationship with your husband through words of affirmation!

For the less articulate, Here are a few examples of praise you can use in marriage:
(fill in the blanks!)

– Hunny, I think you did a great job of ________________________.

– Wow Babe! I love your __________________________________.

– I am a blessed wife to have a husband like you!

– Thank you so much for ____________________! It really means a lot to me!

– You are a handsome man! I adore your _____________________.

– I really appreciate the time you took to ______________________.

I am confident that your man is going to feel revived as you praise him!  Don’t be shy ladies, our men need to hear why we love them!


**Chime In:

Do you find it easy or challenging to praise your husband?

What are some things about your husband you can brag about?

Please share it with us in the comment section!
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