Dear Lord,
thank you for you patience with me and for bringing a brother into my life to show me the truth about my addiction to pornography and to also reveal to me the lies that I believed. Lord, thank you for giving me your Holy Spirit to make it possible for me to walk in purity and thank you for being my strength. Lord, I pray for all of the Christian men who are still walking in there habitual sin of adultery, for that is what pornography is. Lord, reveal to all of these men that they are believing a lie that they cannot walk in purity. Replace the lies with your truth, that they are already free and have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness. God you sent your son to not only give us a new life in heaven but to also regenerate our mortal bodies as well. These men are a new creation and no longer have to choose to walk in this way. Destroy the lies Lord and convict their hearts. Bring them to repentance and restore them so that these men, your men, can walk in the authority and the calling you have for them.
In Jesus’ name, amen!