Love Is A Verb


Love is defined as a noun and a verb.  A verb is an action word, meaning it is something that we do!

Love is a verb.

There are so many unique ways we can show our husbands our love; it just requires a little intentionality, time, and effort.

I think marriage is worth those…don’t you?

I am sharing on The Better Mom on the idea that love is so much more than just telling my husband I love him (which I do) but also making sure my actions support my words!

Last February I made a few videos for a series I did exploring God’s definition of love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 if you haven’t seen these yet please check them out by clicking HERE!

Let us share all the different and creative ways we can show our husbands love through actions! Leave a comment detailing them below.

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