Dear Andrew,
Honestly I know that we haven’t been married that long and I can’t imagine wanting to wake up to anyone but you. You are such an amazing guy and make me appreciate you more and more everyday. I know that we have our silly fights over dumb things like any other couple but I am grateful to have you. When I first met you over 2 years ago I honestly never imagined that I would be your wife in a just a few short years. It made my heart melt when you told another girl that I was going to be your wife one day. I know that you aren’t quite ready to try church again but I know in my heart that God put us together for a reason and is using our love to help represent His love story. Every Christian started off as a sinner and I know that God has a plan for us. I couldn’t imagine being married to anyone else. You are my best friend and my love. You are my soul mate and I couldn’t ask for more. I thank God that I had this devotional to help grow to you as a new wife and make our marriage as strong as we can starting off. I love you and can’t wait to spend our lives together.
I love you more than you will ever know.
Your wife