Letter To My Husband: Grace Wins

Dear Alex,

8+ months ago when you sat across the porch from me confessing your sin of infidelity, the only thing I knew in those moments were that I loved you. I couldn’t see our future, I couldn’t see the life we had built, I couldn’t see you as my husband. All I saw was a child of God in need of love from Him. I didn’t even know in that moment who God really was or that he was working through me, but looking back now I’m so glad He took control in that time.

I will never forget that moment. Yes I was in so much pain, but He made all that pain worth it – to fight for our marriage. God was in my heart and soul telling me to see you as He saw you. I saw right through the sin to the real you.

For the longest time, you and I were both pushing Him away, ignoring His word, and living in sin. BUT He still cared enough to to heal and work through both of us. I would not have been so willing to see my own sin and flaws in our marriage without you and Him desperately desiring my love. This letter is not only to thank you for who you have become, but to give praise to the one and only God.

I am so thankful for you, Alex. I’m mostly in awe and speechless. You chose God. Before me, before the kids, before yourself, He became your priority. And through that you were able to help heal our marriage. You saw the light of Christ. That is the biggest accomplishment anyone can make in my opinion. To see the marriage we have now just makes me adore the Lord that much more.

He really can change lives, create miracles, erase sadness and heal hurt. I pray that we both stay intentional in this life together and continuously seek intimacy with Christ. I know I loved you before this turn in our life, but this new love is so much more. Thank you for being the man God has intended for you to be. Thank you for loving me as Christ loves. Thank you for loving unconditionally. Thank you for being selfless. I promise to give you my all. I promise to be unveiled.

Your Baby Girl


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