I Am A Vessel Of God’s Love

When I think about a vessel, I see a ship sailing across a sea, no fear. I think about all that it is capable of transporting, to bring necessities, to bring nourishment, to bring hope for those waiting to receive.

When I looked up the word vessel it mentioned a watercraft, but it also included a container. A vessel, strong and sturdy to hold liquid, so that it may pour out, so that others can drink. I hope that what I pour out is blessing and not wrath. Pure, true love. God’s love.

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 2:21

I am a vessel of offering.

I am a vessel for honorable use.

I am a vessel of God’s love, God’s glory and God’s grace.

Gods-loveThrough my character I reflect God’s character so that love may abound through me. My prayer is that through my actions those closest to me will be able to taste the goodness of the Lord and that God may be glorified.

I also wrote about how we are an example of God’s love to our children by the way we treat others, especially our spouse, over at The Better Mom if you want to receive more encouragement about this:  

Be An Example Of God’s Love To Your Children

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