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We are passionate about equipping and encouraging people like you through the resources we have created. We want you to keep exploring to see all the incredible benefits Marriage After God has to offer you….but before you continue please take a moment and sign up for our FREE marriage prayer challenge.

Husband Revolution has merged with Marriage After God
About Husband Revolution.
Taking the road less traveled in marriage.
The world has made it to easy for you to walk away. To quit. To give up on the gift that God gave you, your wife. It may even applaud you if you do. The Enemy is working over time to destroy any and all credibility the church has by breaking up our marriages. What do you think the world thinks about God when they see His followers acting just like them? I believe we as husbands have a unique and powerful opportunity to share Christ with the world simply in the way we love our wives.
You have been called out by the creator of the universe. God himself is looking to see if you will take the challenge. You, my dear friend, are being asked to join a revolution to change not only your marriage but many marriages around you. God has an awesome plan for you and your marriage. He wants you to man up and start loving your wife like Christ loves the church, giving himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25). What would happen if you would start loving your wife this way? What happens if you lead by serving, forgive as Christ forgave, sacrifice your desires for hers, and not just be willing to die for her but to live for her as well? I believe you would see a revival in your marriage like you couldn’t imagine and the world would see Christ like love pouring our of your marriage.