Marriage Prayer: Husbands With Wisdom
Dear Lord, You tell us in the book of James that if any of us lacks wisdom then we should ask you for it. You
Dear Lord, You tell us in the book of James that if any of us lacks wisdom then we should ask you for it. You
Dear Lord, We cry out to you! We stand in faith for our marriages! We pray for your divine power to minister to us and
Dear Lord, I thank you for marriages! I pray that you would bless husbands and wives today! Hear their cries and answer their prayers O
Dear Lord, I know your heart breaks over the pain in this world. I know your heart breaks when little children are starving or being
Dear Lord, Thank you for your word and thank you for Giving us the hope of heaven. I pray that we would live heavenly minded. I
Dear Lord, Make us men of your word! Give us a passion for the bible and a craving for spiritual knowledge. God your word is