Being A Peacemaker & Bearing With One Another In Love


Being a peacemaker is part of my personality. I hate conflict and confrontation. I try to appease others, I make sacrifices and I fight for peace. I care about my relationships and I desire to make every effort to keep unity through peace.

However, in marriage, I have realized that I am more likely to be in conflict with my husband than anyone else on Earth. When I feel uncomfortable, frustrated, or bitter toward my husband, being a peacemaker is the last thing on my mind. And peace is the last thing to be in our home.

When my husband and I fail to be peacemakers, our home and our hearts seem to have no peace. Yet, the moment we intentionally try to being peace into our confrontation or conflict, we feel peace radiate.

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:1-3

We need to remember that God calls us to be peacemakers. In our marriages, we must be peacemakers. This doesn’t mean that you are a door mat or that your feelings do not matter. Rather, it means that in all we do, in how we communicate, in how we interact and our behavior reflects a heart that is willing to be humble, gentle, patient, bearing in love and making every effort to be in unity and in peace.

To bear means to hold up; support; to produce by natural growth!

Let us hold up our husbands with encouragement, support them with our actions, and produce growth.

Wives be encouraged by this verse and let it sink way in! Let us strive to live according to the calling with these characteristics.  Let us bear with one another in love. Let us preserve in unity through peace!

If we do this our marriages will grow, strengthen and they will be unified! Our husbands will be won over by our example! Let us bear with our husbands in LOVE! 

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