Marriage Prayer: Moving Forward
Dear Lord, No matter what circumstances we face today, help our hearts to remain steadfast in our trust in and love for You. Protect our
Dear Lord, No matter what circumstances we face today, help our hearts to remain steadfast in our trust in and love for You. Protect our
Dear Lord, We ask You to direct us as we seek to bless each other in speaking words of encouragement, in achieving goals together, in
What kind of legacy is your marriage leaving? Marriage is one of the most beautiful, yet challenging commitments we can make in this life. During a recent conversation with Troy and Shantel Brooks, we were able to discuss the importance of building a legacy as a couple and embracing God’s purpose for marriage. Their journey demonstrates the impact of trusting God’s design and putting Christ at the center of everything you do together—not just for your own relationship, but for the example it sets for others.
Dear Lord, As we abide in Your Word, will You please write Your wisdom on our hearts? Open our ears so that we may hear
Dear Lord, Help us feel incredibly close to each other. We ask You to keep us together—us plus You— in an unbreakable, threefold cord of
Dear Lord, Please help us embrace the love we have for each other and to express it through giving good gifts. May our thoughtfulness in