Marriage Prayer: Facing Crisis
Dear Lord, Please keep us from leaning on our own understanding. May we not be consumed by this world and the troubles that are ever
Dear Lord, Please keep us from leaning on our own understanding. May we not be consumed by this world and the troubles that are ever
Dear Lord, Increase our ability to wait on You for wisdom regarding our situations. Please give us divine courage right now, and remind us to
Dear Lord, Grant us a heavenly perspective of each other and our marriage. Our desire is that our love would outweigh any frustration or discontentment
Dear Lord, When we doubt Your love for us, we ask Your Holy Spirit to affirm us and increase our faith. Help us to remain
CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE MARRIAGE ENCOURAGEMENT PODCAST In today’s world, intimacy in marriage can be a difficult topic to navigate, especially for Christian
Dear Lord, Write Your Word on our hearts! May Scripture transform our lives as it reveals who we are in Christ-new creations, free from our