Are You Feeling Scared And Alone?

Feeling scared and alone is not unfamiliar, even for wives.  There are moments that we encounter that can overwhelm us in this way.  I have been learning that God can help us overcome these emotions, giving us hope and true joy.


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

I have mentioned in previous articles how fear cripples my ability to enjoy life.  Fear and worry strip me of confidence and faith, allowing different things to threaten my marriage.  Yet God commands us, just as He commanded Joshua, “Be strong and courageous!”

My husband is great at reminding me of these powerful words.  Any time that he senses fear overwhelming me, he takes the initiative to encourage me and empower me to be strong and courageous!

He does not always use those exact words… here are just a few other ways he conveys God’s message to me:

  • Everything is going to be okay!
  • We have to have faith.
  • You can handle this, God will give you what you need.

His love and compassion as a husband revives me!  I am so thankful for his words of faith, which fill my heart with hope and the ability to be brave regardless of our circumstances.

My relationship with God is something that I value greatly.  I spend time everyday reading His Word and praying.  However, my husband further reflects the heart of God by being a tangible reminder of God’s love for me.  God speaks through my husband to lift me up in those vulnerable times.  Likewise, I am my husband’s encouragement!

Marriage gives us so many opportunities to be an encourager to our spouse!  Take advantage of those opportunities daily!  Use your words and your actions to reflect the confidence and faith you have as you face life with strength and courage.  Be aware of when your husband may need to be affirmed, taking the initiative to speak words of faithfulness.  If and when you are ever overwhelmed by fear or worry, feeling scared or alone, allow your husband to encourage you, receive what he says in faith that everything will be okay!

Are you feeling scared and alone right now?

In what moments of marriage has your spouse encouraged you to be strong and courageous?

Share with us in the comments!


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