Prayer: Loving Your Husband Like Christ

Dear Heavenly Father,

We lift up our hearts to you!  We humble ourselves before your throne and lay at your feet our emotions which so bitterly entangle us – anger, resentment, loneliness, pain, guilt, sadness, jealousy, insecurity, contempt, etc.  We know that we are not perfect, yet we require so much of our husbands.  Please help us to love them as you love them.  To not see our husband as the enemy, but rather fight the enemy alongside him.  Lord, give me a forgiving heart, that truly forgives.  Fill me with your righteousness, your gentleness, your peace, your joy, your strength, your perseverance, your goodness, your faithfulness, your self-control, your patience, your kindness, and your love.  Fill me with all of you.  I cry out to you Lord, yearning to be a better wife, companion, and lover.  Please help me, change me, renew me everyday.  Help me to love and respect my husband as you have called me to.  Bless our family! Amen!

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