Prayer: Parenting & Marriage

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for our families. We pray for the husbands and wives who have children, whether naturally, adopted, or fostering. We pray You would equip parents to live a life that will set a great example of Your love!  Help us to cherish children daily, to see them as the gift they are, and to encourage positive growth. We pray we would understand and know Your will for our families as we follow You.  Help us to have self-control, to speak kindly, and to laugh often. We also lift up husbands and wives who desire to have children, may You give them peace and help them to trust in Your timing! We pray for husbands and wives who have lost children, asking that You comfort them and heal them. Most of all may You help us to have great marriages that will serve as a positive example for the next generations. May You be glorified in our lives in Jesus’ name AMEN!

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