Dear Working Woman,
You are a beautiful example of diligence, dedication and hard work. Although many times you feel as though you are just going through the motions of your tedious routine, you are in fact persevering under the pressure and being shaped into a woman of great strength.
You rise each day giving yourself fully to the work of the Lord, asking Him to guide your steps and give you the strength needed to be a light in your not so godly work place, facing the office gossip and trying to remember who you are in Christ while still checking off your own to do list in your head……others wonder how you manage to balance it all so seamlessly.
- I need to go to the grocery store tonight after the parent teacher conference
- what do I make for that dinner we are hosting Saturday night with friends?
- I need to pay the electric bill.
Okay time to focus on Work…..Whatever I do may it be done heartily to the Lord today.
Sweet sister, God can do mighty things in the heart of the woman who is willing to be faithful in the small. He is in fact growing you in your ability to trust Him in the small details of your life. You may think what you are doing is insignificant at times, but God is preparing your steps and building your character for your next assignment. When you are weak He is strong. When you grow weary, He will renew your strength. When you seek Him above all else, He will take care of all the details for you.
You are the apple of His eye, His masterpiece that He created before the foundations of the world to fulfill an assignment that only you could do.
Your Friend,
Stephanie Barret
Stephanie is a total girly girl who works in the Crazy yet fun fashion industry, but knows her ultimate job is to reflect the love of Christ . She loves anything that has glitter or sequins and started her Blog titled “My Glitter His Glory” to show her love for all things beautiful and creative. She believes that every talent that God has blessed you with is unique to who you are. Always use “Your Glitter For HIS Glory.”