Welcome To Marriage After God
We hope to inspire you to draw closer to God and closer to your spouse as you chase boldly after God's purpose for your life together.
Our 1-year marriage prayer devotional is now available.
Take the 1 year challenge and build a daily prayer life that will transform your marriage.
Your marriage was meant for more than just happily ever after!
It's Time Chase Boldly After God’s Purpose for Your Life Together
We Are So Glad You're Here!
We are passionate about equipping and encouraging people like you through the resources we have created. We want you to keep exploring to see all the incredible benefits Marriage After God has to offer you….but before you continue please take a moment and sign up for our FREE marriage prayer challenge.
Our Story
Our marriage started out with brokenness, pain, and sin. The first three years we endured our relationship rather than enjoying it. We became roommates, isolated from emotional connection, growing ever more distant until the thought of divorce became a reality. But that is not where our story ends. We surrendered to God, we trusted Him regardless if our circumstances ever changed…and then…everything changed.
Our Podcast
We host the Marriage After God Podcast to encourage, edify, and build up couples with the Gospel as our foundation. We publish weekly episodes sharing openly and honestly about our marriage struggles and victories, with a "his & hers" perspective. We share from the Word of God, we do Q & A's, we cover popular marriage topics without shying away from things like intimacy. We aim to make it enjoyable for all listeners, the newlyweds and the seasoned couples. You can find the Marriage After God Podcast on all major platforms.
Recent Episodes

Christians as Joyful Outsiders, Finding Unity in Diversity, Engaging Culture Without Fear – w/ Keith Simon

Four Decisions for an Easier Marriage, The Power of Intentional Fun, Marriage Before Kids – w/ Arlene Pellicane

Intentional Parenting, Teaching Biblical Truth to Children, Refining Through Challenges

Overcoming People-Pleasing, Embracing Identity, and Discovering Community – Interview w/ Jinger Duggar Vuolo
Our Books
Our online store is a hub for all of our marriage and family resources including the Marriage After God book, husband & wife devotional sets, prayer books and apparel. Be sure to take advantage of the Ultimate Marriage Bundle and the discount we offer only through our site! It is important to us that you know that purchases through our store supports our family so that we can continue writing, podcasting, and bringing you quality and biblically-based marriage content. THA|NK YOU to all who support the MAG ministry and our family by shopping in our store.
The Community
Our community of husbands and wives who love God and love each other are just amazing! We hope you consider joining our ever growing community through the gift of social media. You can find the Marriage After God Community most active on Instagram and Facebook. This is the place where like-minded Christian husbands and wives encourage and pray for each other to bring God glory and support each other along the way. This is also where you will find daily doses of bite-sized marriage encouragement.
Follow Us On Instagram Today
@MarriageAfterGod - @UnveiledWife - @HusbandRevolution