Wait, I meant to say “I wasn’t surprised”
Why would I be surprised or shocked? Why would I be outraged that A&E put Mr. Robertson on hiatus? He’s an outspoken, imperfect Christian who believes in the Bible and tells people about what it says (sometimes in a crude way). Hasn’t the Bible warned us this would happen? Don’t we as Christians ask for this when we accept Jesus? I have no doubt that there was a conversation that happened at the Robertson home where they decided as a family no matter what happens with Duck Dynasty they will not compromise their beliefs. When I read through all the comments and updates about how disappointed Christians are at A&E for firing Phil all I think to myself is how similar we sound to the rest of the world. I feel like we are demanding the world to love Jesus and the Bible. God Himself is not even this idealistic. The Bible teaches us how the world will “HATE” us simply because we love Jesus. Jesus said in Mark 13:13
You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
They won’t hate us because we are hypocrites or fake or judgmental. No. They will hate us because we love Jesus and follow His ways. Phil truly fears only one person. God! And I hope that someday I can say the same for myself.
With the position of affluence Phil has perhaps he should have chosen his words a bit more wisely. But again none are perfect, no not one, and we have the opportunity to extend grace. Not only to Phil but also to A&E.