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What My Husband Wrote Before We Were Married Will Melt Your Heart!

The Unveiled Wife book is based on a true story…my story…and everything I detail within the pages of that book all happened just like I recorded them. I wanted to share with those of you who now are familiar with my story, a treasure that many have commented about saying that it melted their heart.

I explain in Chapter 3 of The Unveiled Wife that my friend at the time, Aaron, handed me the most thoughtful birthday present. My response to his gift was this:

There are certain moments that you cherish forever, ones that strike you to the core of who you are, moments that are hard to top. Receiving this gift was one of those for me.” (Page 15)

Aaron would have no clue how his gift impacted my young and longing to be loved heart!

He made me feel valued, worthy, loved. I embraced his thoughtful gift and began to consider the possibility of Aaron being my husband one day because he made me feel so incredibly secure.” (Page 15)

Here is a video where I show you the gift Aaron, who did in fact become my husband, had gifted to 18 year old Jen!


Use your words to affirm your spouse! You can write a letter, write an encouragement inside a journal and give it as a gift, or write out your story and print it out for them to read! There are so many different ways to affirm your spouse with your words. Get Creative!

Then come back here and leave a comment about how you affirmed your souse, as well as their response to your gift!

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