3 Ways To Love Your Wife Like Jesus

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her – Ephesians 5:25

We have all read it a million times and we have heard countless sermons on this single verse. It seems that when ever your pastor announces that he will be talking about marriage in an upcoming sermon you know without a doubt that this verse will be mentioned. But the question is, are we living by it?

It is easy to say to your wife, “I love you.”

It is an entirely different story to actually love you wife with your actions. Especially the way Jesus loves.

Here Are 3 Ways You Can Love Your Wife Like Jesus

  1. Jesus is compassionate

    But go and learn what this means: ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. – Matthew 9:13

    I love scripture because you can’t argue with it. Especially when it comes to the words of Jesus Himself. Jesus demands compassion from us. The Greek word used here for compassion is “eleos” which could also be translated “mercy.” You want to love your wife like Jesus then show her compassion and mercy. Boom! You just displayed a Christ-like love. Think about it, what can she ever do that is worse than what you have done to God. You deny him daily and were personally responsible for the cross. Face it, the kind of mercy that you received in Christ Jesus you do not deserve, but He gave it anyway. Now what was it again that your wife did that disqualifies her from receiving mercy and compassion from you?!
    Besides, how often do you desire compassion and mercy from your wife? Remember that OL’ “Do Unto Others” concept in Luke 6:31?

  2. Jesus is a servant

    Isn’t this what it means to be a Christian? Let alone a loving husband. Christ served His disciples. Even the bad one that betrayed Him. He wrapped His garment around His waist, took on the role of a servant and washed the filthy smelly feet of His friends.

    For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. – Mark 10:45

    Serve God!
    Then Serve your wife.
    Then your kids.
    Then others.
    In that order.

  3. Jesus is sacrificial

    This is the most difficult one in my opinion because it requires us to do something contrary to our self-preserving, selfish, sinful nature. But I believe it is also the most powerful way to love your wife let alone others
    Christ served us even though we mocked Him, spit on Him, and then finally nailed Him to a cross. How could He serve like that? How could He sacrifice Himself?
    Well, He is Jesus, right? He is perfect. It must have been easy for Him. I don’t think so! Even Jesus understood how difficult it is to sacrifice for His bride. In a garden just before being betrayed He prayed to God 3 times, asking, begging, crying,

    …My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me… – Matthew 26:39

    3 times! Jesus himself asked God to make another way other than death on a cross. It was hard for Him, but you know what Jesus also said 3 times?

    …Not my will but yours be done…

    He was able to do it because he knew what God’s will was. To redeem the world to Himself and give us as a beautiful bride to His Son. Jesus was going to get the greatest reward for being obedient to His father and sacrificial to his bride.

Do these things and I bet your wife would follow you anywhere and trust you with anything. It may even have some other awesome benefits 😉 but that is not why you will do it.

Which one of these is most difficult for you and why? Please answer in the comments below.

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