To My Husband – To My Love


I can’t wait to experience life with you because I know we have struck gold with each other! We have both gone through so much to get to this point, but God has rewarded our efforts with the powerful love we have! We have put God at the center of our relationship as best as we could and he has rewarded us with an unbreakable bond. Thank you for being an example of strength, wisdom and loving me as Christ loves the church! You have opened yourself up to me and shown strength and vulnerability that have have created a love between us that is so strong. No matter what happens I know we can weather anything because God has cut deep to our core and we love Him and that’s why we can love each other the way we do. I wouldn’t change any hurt I have experienced because it’s led me to the person I am today and the person that is so very blessed to your wife! I love you hunny!

<3 Sarah



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