To My Husband – Give God A Chance To Bless Us

Dear Jay,

I am writing to tell you to give God time to bless us .I might not be a mother today but tomorrow is pregnant and we do not know what it might deliver.
All i want is for you to keep loving me just as the time we met. Despite our ups and down in our marriage the last 6.5year, despite the feelings projected from you that you have stopped loving me for a long time . i still find my self loving you. With you for the first time i experience deep love but your coldness towards me breaks my heart as i have all this love in a gigantic reservoir waiting to share it with you. But if only you can give me a
moment to really show you a bit of that love you will be amazed . The God i serve already told me that I’m not a barren, that delay is not denial, let us wait on the lord in agreement for our Joshua and Hannah and David our covenant children.

<3 Kay


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