How To Have A Thriving Marriage In This Debt Economy

The world’s economy is an ever-escalating mound of debt. There are several reasons I believe the debt bubble is so great – let me preface with the fact not one of these are a “bad” thing, just a fact that they have contributed to the debt in our society in some way. These reasons include:

These are what I can come up with now, but I am sure there are more. In fact, if you think of any, please add to the list in a comment. I believe it is vital that we open up our eyes and consider how this mound of debt is going to suffocate the life out of the next few generations, especially seeing its powerfully negative effects on today’s

So how can a marriage thrive in this debt economy?

Get out of debt and stay out of debt!

Maybe that is a blunt statement and for some it seems impossible…let me encourage IS possible!

It may require some excruciating self-discipline and control, but it is possible. Take all of your debt, and if you are married consider your debt together, then make a plan to get rid of it as quick as possible. This may force you to some extreme actions such as moving to save on mortgage or rent…for us it meant living with my parents for two years to send $1000 a month to knock out $20,000 in two years. Get drastic! It is that important!

Then once you make a plan stick to it! Pray over it and submit your plans to God.

Then once you are debt-free, take time to celebrate, then make every decision after that to stay out of debt.

Here are six more tips for having a debt free marriage I shared on For The Family: Click Here.

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