The Zero Privacy Policy In Marriage: Do You Have It?

My husband and I proactively protect our marriage. Our love and trust for one another have grown over the years, and I believe that there are specific things we have done to foster that growth. Today, I want to share one of those ways with you.

My husband and I know that our flesh is weak and that we are capable of sinning against one another. We also know that the enemy will do everything in his power to tempt our flesh to sin against one another.

With this in mind, we have always agreed to keep a Zero Privacy Policy.

**Side note: I never had a term to label this before, until a good friend of mine uttered these words “Zero Privacy Policy.” I scratched those words down in my journal and thought thats what my husband and I have been doing! And I love that I can call it what it is now to share with you! My friend who named it the Zero Privacy Policy is Matthew Jacobson and he has written about this topic as well. Check out his articles: In This Together: How To Win Against Pornography In Your Marriage & Five Powerful Precautions For Faithfulness In Marriage

My husband gives me full access to his accounts, his phone, his computer, his apps, his search history, his email, everything. Likewise, my husband has full access to everything of mine.


Because we desire trust to build the foundation of our relationship and we want to avoid any potential risk of emotionally connecting with anyone or anything other than each other.

The zero privacy policy protects our marriage and sets a clear boundary for how we operate as a husband and wife. We let each other in. We keep each other accountable. We love and we trust.

Having this boundary provides an opportunity for trust to thrive! It also removes fear from our relationship because we don’t ever have anything to hide. We don’t worry about what someone emails or texts to us, because we know that our intentions and actions are pure. There is no secrecy.

In an era where technology has made ourselves virtually available to anyone, we need accountability. It is extremely easy to get caught up in sin if we are not on guard, if we do not stand to protect the sanctity of marriage.

I don’t feel like my husband is invading my space. I don’t feel like a child on restriction. I don’t feel like I am missing out. I don’t feel like I’m being controlled.

I do feel like I am one with my husband and that he is one with me. I do feel like he cares about me and I care about him. I do feel like I can trust my husband. I do feel like this policy, this boundary we have established, has blessed our marriage and protected it.

I invite you to consider your marriage relationship and the ways you are proactively protecting it.

Do you have a zero privacy policy?

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