The Truth: Sometimes, Marriage Sucks.

Sometimes, marriage sucks.
It’s harder than hell to do everything God’s way all the time.
We fail. We hurt our wives. We get hurt. Sin gets us. Life wears us down.
Can I tell you something, though?
You’re normal. Failure and struggles are normal.
And they can be beautiful, if you’ll let them be.
The story of Jesus praying in the garden before he’s arrested in Luke 22 always blows me away. Never has a better portrait of Christ’s humanity been painted. It’s one of the most precious, brutal, eye-opening scenes in the bible.
The dude sweat blood! You don’t get any more intense than that.
But it unceasingly gets me:
“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Do yourself a favor. Drink from your cup. Whatever it is. Drink up.
It’ll sometimes be sour and bitter and make you want to throw up, but drink.
Because whatever is on the other side of that cup, it’s worth it.

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