The Importance Of Support In Marriage

support-in-marriage-smallImagine for a moment that the Creator of the Universe asked you to do something that you are totally uncomfortable with.  Something you felt completely unqualified and ill-equipped to do.  Yet, He asked you to do it anyways?

He told you to go take charge of something and lead it, oversee it, and be completely responsible for it even though you knew you would fall short. You knew this would not be easy for you because you’re not a natural at this task.

He also asked you to handle this responsibility with the utmost care and do it in a way that reflects Him while you’re doing it.

Seems like a daunting task so far, doesn’t it?

But He sends someone to your side to assist you in this big task in hopes that it will alleviate some of your responsibilities.

But even though you have someone to help you, you are still trying your best to figure out how to lead and reflect Christ, yet you still fall short.

You begin to doubt yourself.

You start to make bad decisions.

Soon, you are forced to make choices in situations that you don’t know how to handle.

You look to find examples for help, but unfortunately, those examples are few and far between.

You become discouraged as others are telling you that you are doing it all wrong.

Those around you are mocking you.

Even society tells you what a fool you are.

You feel defeated.

But what if the person by your side in this monumental task was kind, gracious, and encouraging?  Would that make a difference to you?  Would you be less fearful?  Feel better equipped?

Or, what if the person was judgmental, critical, and condemning?  How would that make you feel?

Which one would you rather have by your side?

Well, anyone in their right mind would choose the person who is gracious, kind, and encouraging, of course!

Now if you haven’t figured out what this monumental task is that I am referring to, it is that of being a godly husband.

I did a role-reversal for you because I wanted you to imagine what it is like to walk in his shoes for a day. 🙂

God has given our men the huge responsibility of leading our families.  He asked them to lead in such a way that is not natural to their flesh, after all, they are to love us the way Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.  That’s a tall order, girlfriend!

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.  Eph. 5:25

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.  Colossians 3:19 NIV

Many men don’t know how to be the godly husband they want to be.  Where and who do they turn to for their examples?

Let’s just be real for a moment.  We all know there are not too many Godly men in the world today!  Perhaps if they watched some t.v. they might find some good examples of a husband or father there, right?  But both you and I know that’s the furthest thing from the truth!  Our society has become so female dominant that it’s disgusting!!  Men are being emasculated all over the place and the ones who do stand for the Lord are being mocked and are told they are chauvinistic.

Sure, there are men who have a a better understanding of the Scriptures and they pursue the Lord with their whole heart, but they fall short too!

But God being a great God, He knew that the person by the husband’s side could help him be a better husband……unless the wife is like the helper who was judgmental, critical, and condemning.  A helper like that certainly makes the husband’s job a lot more difficult!

But, have no fear, the Lord also gave your husband the Helper of the Holy Spirit.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.  John 14:26

And because we can’t do this whole ‘helper, kind, gracious, and encouraging wife thing’ on our own either, the Lord gave us the Helper too.

Husbands and wives ALL fall short.  We ALL need forgiveness.  And we need to forgive each other.  Every. Single. Day. Until. Death. Do. Us. Part.

I am thankful that God forgives me and doesn’t keep a record of my sins!!

If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?  But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.  Psalm 130:3,4

Love keeps no record of wrongs.  1 Corinthians 13:5

Support is vital for a marriage to be successful.

Which kind of wife would you like to be for your husband?  The one that helps him to succeed or the one who points out his shortcomings and failures?

I don’t know about you, friend, but I want to be the kind of wife who helps my man succeed!  Share in the comments if that is your heart as well!

Live a poured out life for Christ!

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