Stop Satan! This Marriage Belongs To God!

A few months ago I posted this picture of myself with a message of powerful words.  What my husband and I were currently experiencing in our marriage prompted that specific message and I knew many more wives could relate.  Our marriage was going great!  We were full of love and kindness, enjoying life… and then… BLAM!  We crashed into a 200 foot cement wall – metaphorically speaking of course!  Our attitudes became nasty towards each other, and we would bicker and banter until our faces turned blue.  Finally we had to acknowledge that we live amidst a spiritual battle, where good vs. evil relentlessly tug on our hearts.  In the moment when we fight or argue, it is very difficult to STOP and say “Satan get behind us!”  Our pride is irate, eager to blame the person who is suppose to be a teammate.  We are blindsided!

Well, I had enough of the tension that was seizing our marriage, I called the enemy out and I called on God to help us.  The picture I posted was a physical representation of my soul defending my marriage, and I hoped to encourage other wives to do the same!  That same day another wife on Facebook, one who is a part of the Unveiled Wife community was inspired to write the same message on her hand and she posted a picture to Unveiled Wife’s wall.  It was truly inspiring to see another wife take a stand against evil and submit her marriage to God!  I was extremely blessed to see it, along with almost 1,000 likes on my post of wives from all over the world committing to defending their marriage and giving it to God!

Just yesterday, a friend of mine messaged me through Facebook, asking if she had seen me on Pinterest.  I replied by telling her that I am on Pinterest and that I am addicted to it 🙂  She said that she saw a picture of me with a message written on my hand about marriage.  I quickly searched through my boards to see if I had pinned that particular picture and I did not see it anywhere, which means that someone thought it was worthy of being pinned and it is currently circulating the ever growing Pinterest site.  I was so thrilled to hear about this, I just had to write and tell you!  I pray that any wife searching Pinterest for any reason will be inspired to defend their marriage and submit it to God!

Are you on Pinterest? Follow me at

Perhaps this could be an amazing movement!  Will you be a part of it?

Just take a picture with your hands up like mine and write the same message on your palm!  Upload it to Pinterest to get it circulating! Be sure to edit the link to this  that way other wives will be encouraged to join the movement!  Let’s encourage wives today :))

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