Why You Should Start Doing Simple Sweet Gestures For Your Spouse

The other night I headed to bed like usual, except something unusual happened. My husband was laying on my side of the bed. I tilted my head a little and asked curiously,

What are you doing?”

He looked up from the book he was buried in with a smile and responded,

It seemed so cold, I wanted to warm up your side for you.”

Without hesitation, he scooted over to his side of the bed, which was probably freezing at this point.

His gesture was simple and sweet. Yet, I couldn’t stop grinning as I crawled into bed next to him.

He was thinking of me.

He loves me.

He wanted nothing in return.

He sacrificed his comfort for me.

He spent time on me. 

The flood of positive thoughts affirming his love for me wouldn’t slow down. My heart was full of appreciation. And yet, it was a just a simple gesture that took no more than a few minutes of his time…and will be something I cherish for a lifetime, because of what it implied.

My husband’s gesture and example of caring love inspired me to want to show him the same kindness. A cycle of unconditional, out-doing-one-another-because-we-can, love.

Doing small gestures for your spouse can mean the world to them. They could take seconds or minutes to do, but the impact could last a lifetime. In marriage, there is enough business, ups and downs, and hard decisions on a daily basis…that if it is not coupled with thoughtfulness and simple gestures of reaffirming love…a couple will get burnt out. Don’t let the flame in your marriage burn out.

Keep a smile on your spouse’s face and a confidence in their heart that they know without a shadow of a doubt that you love them.

Here are a few ideas of simple gestures you can do today to show your spouse you love them:

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