Social Networking: Pins, Posts and Shackles

Oh, social networking. You are a bittersweet friend to me.

I love you when you connect me to my friends and family near and far. I love you when I’m able to share in the joy of the birth (and sometimes the labor) of a far away friend that I haven’t seen since high school. I love you when I’m able to get parenting advice from friends who have all the knowledge in the world. I love you when I share a funny story of my own little one and my friends and family “like” and “comment” on it.

Thank you Pinterest for the breakfast recipes and the rainy day activities for my kids and also for closet organization ideas. And those bunkbeds…someday.


Sometimes I feel between all the pins and posts, I’m really just left in shackles. Sometimes I feel like I can’t live up to all the perfection posted online. When I see date night pictures and I’m reminded I haven’t been on one in months. When it seems that everyone’s baby is sleeping through the night and my four-year-old simply refuses to. When it appears by the pins that everyone is a better cook than I.

When I begin to value myself and my marriage and my parenting skills based on likes, shares, pins and views…

Oh wait. Did I just admit that?

But God speaks gently and quietly to my heart. And He whispers His love to me. He reminds me of His promises and of my future. And He reminds me that He made me. And that He loves me. And for that I worship Him.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalm 139:13-14

And He reminds me that it doesn’t glorify Him when I compare or complain about my marriage or my parenting skills or my cooking abilities. He reminds me that He doesn’t care about my Pinterest boards or how many ‘likes’ my posts receive.

He just wants me to be like Him. Loving and forgiving. Full of grace and to have quiet confidence in who I am – who He made me to be.

He reminds me that it is when I am most like Him that I am most valuable. I become relevant in His image. Because it’s when I am like Him that others watch the most.

He reminds me that I am a good wife and mom. And He tells me that you are too. So, when you are feeling down and out, insecure and just plain not-good-enough – remember that you were made by God. Important, relevant and beautiful in every way.


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