Reflecting On 2012

This year has been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling years of my life!

2012In January my husband and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. We reminisced over the first 5 years of our marriage and chatted about what we hope to see in our future.  Spending quality time with my husband and communicating in an intimate way reaffirmed the love we share and confirmed the direction we were heading in our relationship.


February is the month of love as many celebrate Valentines Day.  My friend and I had so much fun creating a Valentines Day Scavenger Hunt that sent our husbands all around town collecting gifts and clues that led them to meet us for dinner in the park.  It took some time and craftiness, but they loved it!

At the beginning of March my husband and I found out that we were going to be parents!  It was a very emotional moment for us and something that would bond us closer than we had ever experienced.  We also celebrated the first birthday of Unveiled Wife! We felt so blessed to see the UW Community continue to grow and evolve into a beautiful ministry.

April blew my mind as we got to hear the heart beat and see a picture our little baby for the first time!

As elated as I was about being pregnant, my body was changing and being affected in ways that were very scary.  In May I experienced a few occurrences of numbnesses in my arms and face that had the doctor believing I may have had a mini-stroke.  My heart sank, crying at the news.  However, it turned out I had only experienced a few ocular migraines!  You can read the details in this article: My Biggest Scare Caused By My Biggest Blessing

Towards the end of June I had the privilege of meeting a few girls from PINC Magazine as they photographed and interviewed me for the featured story of their July Issue.  I was nervous to have that kind of recognition, but I also felt blessed to be able to spread the word about Unveiled Wife.


Ohh and my husband and I discovered we were having a boy!!


July was full of family fun as we headed up to the Northwest to celebrate my nephew’s first birthday.  We had a blast hanging out in such a beautiful place with

people we love dearly.  My sister-in-law and I had a few sleepless nights as she taught me how to sew a few baby essentials such as burp cloths and a carseat cover.  Also in July I was honored to be featured as a contributor on The Better Mom, Roo Mag, and FaithLife Women!  I absolutely love writing for these awesome sites!

August and September flew by incredibly fast.  I was blessed with the opportunity to baptize my nieces and nephew!

My girlfriends threw me the best baby shower one could ever have!  We chowed down on a waffle bar, played a few games, and were blessed with a devotional about motherhood by our Pastor’s Wife! At 30 weeks pregnant I had some great friends take maternity pics! I also got to join in a blog series with some amazing women who are doing great things with their online communities.  We launched the Revive Your Marriage Series and it was such a blessing for us and many others!

Also in September I was blessed to see that Jada Pinkett-Smith responded to our Letter, even reposting it on her Facebook wall!  She is the first celebrity to respond to our letters and it is such an encouragement to keep them going!

October was filled with the anticipation of our little boy arriving, along with fits of nesting!  My emotions were all over the place as we prepared for our baby.  At this point in my pregnancy I was very swollen and nearly none of my shoes fit my feet, so we stayed home quite a bit!  I spent most of my days trying to schedule posts for Unveiled Wife in case I went into labor early… and I took a few naps!

Then he finally came! November 7th, a day before his due date, we met our little love bucket Eliott!  Our whole world was wrapped up in love around Eliott.  My attention and focus could not have been tuned into him anymore than it was.

I was so very appreciative of the contributors that wrote for Unveiled Wife while I spent time getting familiar to motherhood!  Please check out some of these great articles that my friends shared during that time!

I love December because it is my birthday month and because of the Christmas season!  I love everything about it! As exciting as it was to enjoy this month with my husband and new baby, it was all the more exciting to see Unveiled Wife continue to grow, reaching over 93,000 wives! Whoo-Hoo! This was a great month for the Unveiled Wife Community.  God is directing my husband and I to do some amazing things with it and we are so excited to see what happens in 2013! We are confident that God will use Unveiled Wife to reach many more wives and marriages!

I want to thank every one of you who have supported Unveiled Wife!

Thank you following me on this marital journey, and thank you for being an integral part of the community by encouraging and praying for one another!  Wives coming together to bless other wives has been a beautiful thing to see.  I am praying that 2013 is a life-changing year for all of us!  I pray that Unveiled Wife will reach a million wives!  I pray that marriages that are broken or are being oppressed in any way would receive healing and freedom!  I pray that husbands and wives would find a passionate love for each other and that they center their relationship around God!  And I pray for JOY in Jesus Name Amen!

Ps. I am so glad the Mayans were not right about the end of the world!  There are still more marriages that need mending first!

Happy New Years Everyone! Cheers!

2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |

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