Prayer: Spiritual Headship

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the gift of marriage and for using it to show me what the gospel looks like in a real way. Thank you for trusting me with my wife’s heart and for giving me the opportunity to step up into the role of spiritual head over my wife. I pray that I would begin to understand the full meaning of this and how to live it out. Send your Holy Spirit to convict my heart of any sin that is keeping me from fulfilling this role in the way Christ commands me to. I know that I must not take this role lightly because I am accountable for the spiritual state of my home and I know that I am accountable to my head, who is Jesus. I pray that I would use my authority in a Christ-honoring way and that I would not use it to get my way or to manipulate my wife. Show me how to lead my wife and kids by example. Show me how to know your word in a way that I can teach it to my wife and kids. Remove from my heart any lies that I have accepted about my position in our marriage and replace them with your truth. I pray that my wife and kids would grow closer and closer to you Lord, because of my spiritual leadership.

In Jesus’ name Amen!

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