Prayer: Seeing What We Can Be

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for not giving up on us. Thank You for pursuing us and loving us. We pray we would continually chase after You together. We pray Your Word would transform us and transform our marriage. We pray we would grow in maturity and grow in our understanding of who You are. Please help us to see You clearly and see how You are moving in us. We pray we would have eyes to see what we can be, not who we used to be. Help us to love each other unconditionally. Help us to let go of past hurts so that we do not keep any record of wrongs. We pray we would see each other as You see us and who we will become as You change us. We pray we would support each other and encourage each other to keep in step with Your Spirit. Our desire is to honor You with our lives and with our marriage in Jesus’ name AMEN!

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