Marriage Prayer: Our Extraordinary Intimacy

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for giving us life abundantly. We pray we would be quick to recognize the gifts in our lives and be grateful for them. We pray we would share our thankfulness with You and with each other every day. We pray You would help us to be transparent with one another, whether we are doing well or struggling. Please help us to be brave in sharing exactly where we are and what areas we need to be encouraged. We pray we would continue to experience extraordinary intimacy with each other. We pray we would know each other well. We pray we would not hold back from sharing our hearts with one another. We also pray we would be quick to initiate intimacy and romance. Please help us to consider one another and find ways to fulfill and satisfy each other. We pray our intimate experiences cultivate more love and trust in our marriage in Jesus’  name AMEN!

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