Prayer – Time For Ourselves In Marriage

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my marriage.  Thank you for the gift of companionship and giving me a best friend who loves to do things with me.  Thank you for showing me the benefit of doing things with my husband, things that he likes and values.  I love our relationship!  However, there are times that we do need our own space and time to do things for ourselves.  This could be the most simplest of things such as spending 10 minutes outside to read.  I pray that we would acknowledge this as ok and support each other’s desires to do things alone without taking it personally.  I pray that other couples do the same, taking time to enjoy each other’s company as well as time apart to dive into hobbies or activities that can be done solo.  Help us to be confident in our relationship, find balance, and desire oneness when we are apart in Jesus name AMEN!

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