Prayer: Marriages Under Fire

Dear God,

I come to You today on my knees, petitioning for protection over marriages. I pray for those couples who feel as though they are being attacked, those who feel as if they were drowning, those who feel trapped, burdened, mistreated, or abused. I lift up those in despair, at the end of their faith, hopeless, and those who feel alone. I pray that You would wrap Your warm, gracious, loving arms around them and comfort the deepest parts of their heart! I pray that reveal Your will to them and enlighten them about their situation. Revive them. Remind them of the hope they have in You. Send people to encourage them and keep them accountable to being obedient to You. I pray for peace to be evident in marriages, restoration to be apparent, and healing to be obvious, so that Your name may be glorified! I pray for Your redeeming love to redeem the love between every husband and wife in Jesus’ Name AMEN!

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